All My Children Wear Fur Coats with Peggy Hoyt

Kim Merritt was honored to be a guest speaker on All My Children Wear Fur Coats, Animal Care Trust USA’s podcast, hosted by founder and CEO Peggy Hoyt. Animal Care Trust USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping loved pets in loving homes.  In the event a Pet Parent can no longer provide care to their loved pet because of disability or death, they make sure your Loved Pet is protected and safe with a Pet Trust. Their mission is to educate and counsel Pet Parents about the importance of proper planning for their Loved Pet.  What happens to your Loved Pet if something happens to you?  Never assume a family member or friend will love your Loved Pet like you!  You can ensure your wishes for the lifetime care of your Loved Pet are achieved.

Listen to the podcast at Animal Care Trust USA:

Be sure to visit for more information about their mission!

​Peggy Hoyt is Animal Care Trust USA’s Founder and CEO. She is an estate planning and elder law attorney with The Law Offices of Hoyt & Bryan, who has been a lifelong animal advocate. She understands the needs of Pet Parents as she has no two-legged children, only four-legged ones who wear fur coats! Like you, she wants to know her children in fur coats will live safely at home, loved and cared for the rest of their lives. Learn more about her organization and their mission at:

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