Good Dog in a Box CoFounders on Pet Lover Geek

Kim and Jenn talk to Lorien Clemens on Voice America Radio.

Pet Lover Geek on Voice America Radio with Lorien Clemens

Jenn and I were excited several weeks ago when Jessica Williams of PetTalk Media and the popular blog, What Did You Do With Your Weiner, (unbeknownst to Jenn and I) introduced Lorien Clemens and the audience of Pet Lover Geek to Good Dog in a Box. During the Pet Lover Geek episodeThe Best Tech of 2016 and Where to Find It, Jessica shared some of her favorite subscription boxes. We were thrilled that she mentioned Good Dog in a Box! Thanks Jessica!

That lead Lorien to invite Jenn and I on the show last Saturday to talk more about Good Dog, our dog bite prevention program SAFE, and our new free Welcome Home video series for new pet parents. Last week’s episode focused on National Train Your Dog Month and covered tech training products to help modify your pet’s behavior.

If you’re not familiar with this top rated VoiceAmerica internet radio show, Pet Lover Geek covers the tech boom in the pet industry by talking about 21st century pet products with a tech element. It airs every Saturday at 1 PM EST.

We had a great time talking to Lorien who is a big proponent of positive reinforcement training techniques. It was a great opportunity to talk about what we’re doing at Good Dog in a Box and share some of the products and free programs we’ve been working on. Jenn explained some of the reward based methods and more than twelve year’s worth of experience in professional dog training that was used to create the curriculum for the Good Dog in a Box family dog training subscription, that began shipping last week.

We were honored to be included with guests Amanda Hessel of Smart Animal Training Systems, makers of the Pet Tutor, and Jamie Migdal of Fetch Find.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the show, I’ve included a link below to the entire broadcast. The whole episode is well worth your time, but if you want to fast forward to our segment, it begins at 38:45.

Listen to Pet Lover Geek with Kim Butler and Jenn Merritt

Keep in touch and let us know the tech products you’re using to train your dog. Let us know what you thought of Pet Lover Geek in the comments below.

Reward based dog training products
Good Dog in a Box Dog Training Subscription for Kids
Dog Smart Card Game

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