Good Dog Award Winner – Kim Pacini-Hauch

Helping over 1,000 animals find homes for the holidays!

Good Dog of the Week Awards

The Good Dog Blog will be awarding a weekly “Good Dog Award” to those doing good things for dogs.

This week’s award goes to real estate agent Kim Pacini-Hauch. Kim is a long time donor to Sacramento, California’s Front Street Animal Shelter. In November, the shelter was in dire straits with over 1,000 animals needing homes. And Kim made the incredible offer to cover the adoptions for all 1,000 pets.

A simple video was posted on the Front Street Animal Shelter’s Facebook page that went viral. Adoptions at the shelter more than tripled the following day and over 700 adoptions occurred by the middle of December. Here’s a photo of shelter staff celebrating all the empty kennels:


Extensive media coverage of Kim’s generosity began, including a story in the Washington Post, and has been inspiring others to similarly help needy shelters in their own communities. One person’s generosity has truly made all the difference for hundreds if not thousands of cats and dogs.

Congratulations Kim Pacini-Hauch, our Good Dog Award winner!

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