Good Dog of the Week Award

Dogs on Deployment helps hundreds of military pets find temporary homes while their owners fulfill service commitments

Good Dog of the Week Award

The Good Dog Blog will be awarding a weekly “Good Dog Award” to those doing good things for dogs.

This week’s Good Dog Award Winners are Dogs on Deployment, a non-profit organization that helps place military pets in caring homes while their owners are serving in the US armed forces.

In 2011, Dogs on Deployment founders Shawn and Alisa Johnson recognized the need to care for pet family members when they were assigned to military duties in different parts of the world. They were lucky to find a family member willing to care for the their beloved dog for six months, but realized that other military families struggled with the decisions surrounding housing and caring for their pets. Many are faced with either giving their pets up or the financial burdens for boarding or petsitting for months if not years at a time.

Dogs on Deployment matches military pets with people willing to provide pet care for extended periods of time and also provides resources on responsible pet ownership and financial assistance for military families with emergency pet health care situations.

We salute Dogs on Deployment as our Good Dog Award Winners for their commitment and service to military families and their pets!

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