Hey Kid, You Should Be in the Movies!

Our second filming session is coming up and we need your children

Be a Kid Dog Trainer in Good Dog's Training Videos

Jenn, Royal and Bernie are back in Pennsylvania for another  Good Dog filming session and we’re looking for kids ages 6 to 12 to be in our dog training videos. If you’ve got a dog loving kid in your house, and you live near Mercersburg, PA, you can sign up to be in a Good Dog training video.

Last year our nineteen kid dog trainers had a ball during our filming sessions, and so did we. This year we’ve got three power packed days of filming that you can participate in. Monday, March 6th through Wednesday, March 8th, there are numerous time slots open for filming. Each slot is 80 minutes in length and can accommodate up to three children. Bring brothers, bring sisters, bring friends, bring anyone that wants to be “in the movies.”

All the filming includes Jenn Merritt, CPDT-KA, BS, and her two trained Aussies, to supervise and lead kids through the process that we’ll be filming. No prior dog training experience is necessary. We just ask all the kids bring their best listening skills. An adult must be present for the filming. This is not a “drop and run.” But adults and “watchers” must be quiet during filming.

Participants will be included in several of our dog training videos and may be made into animated cartoons and characters for our training materials. Video may also be used on our website and in our social media.

Please visit our video registration page for more information. The page includes links to our online calendar system that allows you to pick a date and time. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

Pictures from our last filming session

Kids Filming Good Dog in a Box
Jenn Filming in Kitchen
Jenn Interview Filming

Check out our kid and dog friendly, reward based training tools at Good Dog in a Box!

Share with us how your family and friends have used Good Dog in a Box! Share your pictures on our social media. We’d love to hear from you. Let’s keep kids and dogs SAFE together!

Download the SAFE Dog Bite Prevention Kit for Kids

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